MCBD (Mixopolis City Bank Department)

YAAY! MORE MIXELS OCS! Sorry if I haven't complete all my ocs in "Orginal Characters" page.. So I have to draw and here it is!  

MCBD (Mixpolis City Bank Department) are a Mixel tribe in Mixels. They can make a real mucks for buying stuffs but avoiding stealing. There Max resembles centaur and the colors are green, blue and black.

Fallix (leader) (middle) - A rich man Mixel and the owner of the MCBD. He always keep his money secretly for avoid stealing by the criminals. If other Mixels want to save there money, he can gave them away. 

Calcutor (secondary member) (left) - This Mixel can calculate using hands on how many mucks that it created. His right hand can also as his computer watch.

Roasty (primary member) (right) - an armored car Mixel with two legs of the front of his body, he delivers mucks for the bank machine in Mixopolis or any locations in Planet Mixel.