Hello MAhori here! Since one month ago of new decade, I have to receive mostly bad news and news about commissions staring 02/06/2020

The bad news: is my pen tablet got broken with just the string left and I couldn't draw digitally unless if I have to buy a new tablet instead. Although me and my dad could fix the pen tablet, but it's hard to attached the string into pen tablet battery. (Also if I have suppose to use tape so it won't broke....)
The second bad news is my left bare foot got injured by pus starting last two weeks ago. It may be healed but as of this week, it became more pain and worse than before. Among of these, I need to get more rest, reading web novel and less on drawing.

Lastly, the other news was the commission will been now open in mid April after my school ends (and getting my actual paypal account) include with a new settings and a prize cost changes. My Ko-fi account is no longer use as 'ko-fi commission' for sketch only anymore, however you can donate me whenever it's both paypal or ko-fi donations.

Apologies for receiving these kind of news. I love drawing and I can draw sketches at my sketch pad so you don't have to worry about my problems! Anyways, thank you for reading!

(c) 2020